If you’ve read my review of The Traitor and the Thief (I just checked, and I haven’t posted a review about The Traitor and The Thief here yet! Terrible!) Well, in that case, I will note here that I personally found it a bit hard to get into. I actually put off reading it for a while, because to get fully into it, I needed to sit down and be alone and not distracted. I’m not sure why that was, my best guess is that I need to read all of the world building that I am 100% sure the author did (Gareth, if you’re reading this, I’m serious! As an aspiring author I think it’d be fascinating!). HOWEVER, once I got into TTatT, I was hooked and didn’t want to put it down. In fact, I sat down, read it, finished it, and then turned back the beginning and started again!
This book, on the other hand, I sat down, and INHALED. I was sucked in from the dedication, I loved the plot, I loved the characters, and I LOVED Bot. If you love sarcasm, he’ll be your favourite character. A humanoid (ish) mech, his sense of humor is right where I like it.
I’ve started annotating my books. (I hear you sucking in a gasp, I was the same to start with. If it helps, I use pencil, and only in my OWN copies. PLEASE DON’T WRITE IN LIBRARY BOOKS! Not even to note in the front if you have read it. Get a notebook. Please.) This book I underlined a lot of things that I really enjoyed, but I also made notes for my flatmate (who was reading after me) about words I didn’t know. For example: Snickelway - ‘Snickelway’ is a portmanteau of the words snicket, a passageway between fences; ginnel, a narrow passageway between buildings; and alleyway, a narrow street.That’s not a word I have come across before!
The plot was swift moving and well written; the characters were ‘fleshed out’ (yes, even the mech); the world was believable and desirable; and the mix of steampunk with fantasy/sci-fi was amazing. I won’t go into too much detail, because there’s so much going on that no matter what I say I am afraid of creating a spoiler, so basically, go read it!
Content warnings: threat of electrocution, violence, some gore, magic, deaths
Rating: 5 stars
Rating: 5 stars
Posted by Li
Catalogue link: Brasswitch and Bot
NB: Gareth Ward will by joining James Russell (author of the Dragon Defenders series) in a session of interactive world building for young minds as part of the Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Festival. Night of the Dragons is on Saturday 17 October, 6:00 pm at Lovecraft Game Store, Napier.
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