Once upon a time, a long time ago, it was custom in China to give the first son great long names. Second sons were given short names. Through misadventures involving a well, Chang, a second son, teaches everyone the ridiculous nature of this custom.
I really enjoyed Tikki Tikki Tembo. I know that some people have issues with the non traditional names used in the book but I felt like it was an enjoyable story which would be great for a read aloud.
Rosie Revere, Engineer
Rosie dreams of inventing. After an unfortunate incident where her favourite uncle laughed at her failed invention she vows to give it up for good- this is until her aunt mentions her dream of flying.
I loved the message in this book. Nothing is perfect the first time and if you keep trying you will succeed. It also has an enjoyable rhythm making it a good read aloud for 6+
Mango, Abuela and Me
Mia's Abuela is leaving her sunny house surrounded by parrots and palm trees to live in the city with Mia and her family. Mia realises that her Abuela does not know how to speak English, while she struggles to understand Spanish. Mia undertakes the challenge to help her Abuela while learning in return.
This book has a great story of love weaved through. Mia wants to connect with her Abuela and even though they can't understand each other they find ways to break through the barrier until they can both communicate.
The Giving Tree

tree. As the boy grows up he spends less and less time with the tree and wants more and more from the tree, yet the tree still loves him unconditionally.
When I finished this book, I actually said to the others in the room, "What a horrible book!" I don't like the fact that I felt like the tree kept giving and giving until the tree had nothing left the give and the boy just kept taking and taking without giving anything in return. In my opinion it does not deserve to be on this book list. Judging by Goodreads, there are others that agree with me.
Journey follows the story of a young girl who draws a door on her bedroom wall and once she goes through it she discovers a wonderful world where amazing things happen and she is free to create what she wants and what the world needs.
I struggled with this book. It has no words, which in itself was OK but I just found myself skimming through it. I wouldn't bother reading it again.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is set in the town of Chewandswallow. In Chewandswallow, food just magically falls from the sky and provides the town with just what they need until one day they falling food becomes unpredictable and dangerous. It might just be time for the townspeople to leave and find somewhere new.
I loved the idea behind the book. It is told via Grandfather telling his grand kids a bedtime story. The illustrations were amazing and the story was interested and easy to follow.

Auggie is ten years old. He was born with a severe facial abnormality and has been home schooled Wonder is told in four parts from four different points of view. All four are well written and a pleasure to read.
his whole life. Now, coming into 5th grade it is time for him to go to school. Auggie must learn how to navigate all the ups and downs that come with it. Will his classmates learn to look past what they first see?
I LOVE this book. I have read it twice in the last year because it gives you all the feels. There are highs and lows and it really makes you think about other people. Auggie does seem wise beyond his years but he has spent most of his life with mainly adults to talk to. Highly recommended- I don't know of anyone who has not enjoyed this book.
Stanley Yelnats is an unlucky guy. Nothing ever goes right for him or his family and they all blame it on their good for nothing, pig stealing, great great grandfather. Stanley's latest spate of bad luck has left him at Camp Greenlake, a correctional facility for young boys. Every day, each boy must dig a hole five feet wide and five feet high. What are they looking for?
Holes is just like Hatchet. Ask anyone who went to school around the same time as me and they had it as a read-aloud. By the sound of things everyone loved them both. In my re-read of the story, everything happened a lot quicker than I remembered!

Matilda is an extraordinary young girl. Ever since she was three years old she has been working her way through the public library. Once she starts school, her teacher, Miss Honey, notices just how special she in. All the other adults in her life, her parents and her principal Ms. Trunchball, think she is trouble. Can Matilda get her
self out of a horrible situation?
As a child I loved Matilda, as an adult I see how horrible many of the adults in her life are. Matilda is a strong young women who has a golden heart. I am revisiting my love of all things Roald Dahl
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