Tuesday 9 July 2019

The Au Pair by Emma Rous

'A tautly plaited mystery of dark family secrets...'

This first novel has an oft-told storyline: dark family secrets from the past re-examined; a mysterious death; and a plot with lots of twists and turns.

Seraphine and her twin brother Danny were born at their family's remote estate Summerbourne in coastal Norfolk, England. Their mother took her own life on the day they were born and local folklore remains that something mysterious happened concerning their birth. Laura, the au pair for their older brother Edwin, left the house on the day of their mother’s death, never to be heard from again.

In later years, a grown-up Seraphine is grieving the death of her father, and finds a photograph of one of the twins with their smiling mother; taken on the day of her death. Seraphine is convinced that au pair Laura is a key to some answers - but someone does not want Seraphine digging up the past and leaves some chilling warnings for her to back off.

With a grandmother who won't give straight answers and a family friend who also conveniently disappeared after Seraphine's mother’s death, the scene is set for lots of plot twists in an almost Gothic way. A local ex-employee has dementia and is only able to provide cryptic clues to the past; his son grew up alongside the family and provides a will they/won't they romantic interest for Seraphine.

Chapters are narrated in the first person with a split narrative alternating between Seraphine in the present day, and Laura before the twins' birth in the early 1990s. The conclusion is full of melodrama. I'd give The Au Pair an honest 6/10, I wanted to see what happened and thought I had it all figured out early on - I was wrong.

The Au Pair is a page-turner with well-drawn characters and is a good first novel from former vet Emma Rous. She is currently writing her next novel.

Reviewed by Katrina

Catalogue link:  The Au Pair

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