Monday 11 June 2018

Electric Dreams by Philip K. Dick - Season One DVD (R13)

Here are 10 short stories adapted to our modern Netflix world. Boy meets girl in future dystopia and strange things ensue. Telepaths, flying cars, annoying advertising that pops out of the air; these you have seen before but this is from the man who created it all: writer Philip K. Dick. His completely ‘left field’ thinking seems to resonate with people today as much as it ever has. Living in a world with no control, alienation, doing the same thing every day, until that one day when...

Philip K Dick has been a favourite of the more dedicated readers of sci-fi since the ‘70s. He has also been a favourite when it comes to great ideas for making movies. Check out his Wikipedia page for the complete list, you will be quite surprised.

I had an impressive personal collection of his books at one stage. They were very hard to find as he was out of print for some time as he fell from favour or the publisher went under. The covers are now called retro and if you enjoy the nostalgia of those old covers like I do, try Pinterest - they have a great collection.

One of the stories included here is ‘Human Is’. This is still a fantastic story about how complex relationships can be. Bryan Cranson plays the lead for this story.

Bryan Cranson is also the executive producer and there is a fine cast of actors playing roles in the bleak but familiar looking future.

Of course the library has a large science fiction/fantasy section with a large number of Phillip K Dick novels, and other older science fiction novels, reissued under the masterwork series. There is also a large collection of science fiction/fantasy DVDs including Bladerunner 2049, another movie based on a Philip K Dick novel.

The library catalogue, which you can access from home from different devices, is a good starting point. Otherwise talk to your friendly librarian.

These are based on short stories and can revolve around quite complex ideas, so if you want happy, well explained endings then this is probably not for you.

Posted by RobM

Catalogue link: Electric Dreams

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